Título: Humic substances and amino acids improve effectiveness of chelate FeEDDHA in lemon trees
Autor/es: Sanchez Sanchez, Antonio; Sánchez Andreu, Juan; Juárez Sanz, Margarita; Jordá Guijarro, Juana Dolores; Bermúdez Bellido, María Dolores
Resumen: Lemon trees cv. Fino were fertilized with mixtures of FeEDDHA and humic compounds (leonardite) or aminoacids. All the treatments improved the iron (Fe) uptake respect to a control fertilized only with FeEDDHA. The effect was more marked with humic substances (HS). The copper (Cu) uptake also increased, which can be a direct effect of the organic compounds, or indirect as a consequence of the release of EDDHA after Fe uptake. Humic compound also improved fruit weight. Vitamin C was affected by all the treatments depending on the ripening condition of the lemons (in a cold chamber or in the field).